What You Can Do With;

A Film Canister…and an Egg.

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The theme for Issue 06 of Root + Bone was Food on Film. We thought we’d take a play on those words and have a crack at cooking food in film. A good friend if ours Medb works in the film industry, so we asked her to source a film reel canister that we would use as a frying pan. Once again the we lobed at Steve’s joint on a freezing Saturday armed with props, a hangover and a hunger. BBQ lit; we cooked the streaky bacon and toasted the bagel before heating the canister over the coals. A good glug of oil was added to the makeshift pan, the eggs bubbling the moment they touched the pan. We were all pretty surprised at how well the canister served its purpose, but we were unsure how’d the eggs would taste after housing film reel which has various chemicals that one doesn’t associate as palatable flavouring. Maybe we were ravenous, maybe the previous nights whiskey binge killed our taste buds, but this was one very tasty breakfast eye-opener. 


Serves 1, with some snacks for the crew

I x 10mm film canister, film removed, cleaned

2 eggs

12 rashers streaky bacon, 9 for the crew to eat while preparing, 3 for the actual bagel

1 bagel

A good glug olive oil

Salt & pepper 


  1. Light a BBQ or, if you are deep in the woods, a campfire. If you are deep in in the woods, you probably wont have a film canister, but that’s neither here nor there. 

  2. Cook the bacon and eat 9 slices because it’s bacon and delicious, reserve 3 slices for the bagel 

  3. Toast the bagel in your toaster or over the BBQ or fire, whichever you’re using, and set aside.

  4. Place the canister over the heat and, once hot, add a good glug of oil and heat to smoking hot. Next crack 2 eggs and cook, sunny side up, for a few minutes.

  5. Assemble, complement with your favourite condiments and eat. 

All Images by Steve Ryan https://steveryanphotography.com/


What you can do with..


Meat Club