Lockdown Cupboard Cocktails.

Vegan bush tea infused Pure Scot Whisky sour. *Fried egg optional.

Whisky sours are usually made with egg white but here is a vegan version that emulsifies tea-infused chickpea juice. If you don’t mind your food having a face, you can fry an egg and garnish the glass with it for a more savoury concoction. 

Serves 2


100ml Pure Scot whisky

Juice from a tin of chickpeas 

5-10 tea bags, we used red ‘roobois' bush tea

50g castor sugar

50ml water

30ml lemon juice

1 fried egg, optional


Boston shaker

Fine sieve or strainer

Stick blender


First make the sugar syrup by adding equal parts sugar to water to a saucepan and gently heating until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the stove and allow to cool completely. 

Next its time to infuse the chick pea juice. Drain the chickpeas and keep for another recipe like hummus. Pour the juice into a saucepan and add the tea bags. Gently bring to the boil and allow to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and allow to cool completely. When cooled, use a stick blender to emulsify the tea. It should go light and fluffy like an egg white would if whisked. This will make enough infusion for multiple cocktails so practice zero waste responsibly. 

To build the cocktail, fill the shaker with ice. Add the whisky, lemon juice, 30ml of sugar syrup and 50ml of the chickpea infusion. Shake it like hell and strain into glasses filled with ice. Garnish with fired egg if desired. Repeat.


Conversation With A Chef


Vegemite vs. Marmite